Red blood cell concentrate
The red blood cell concentrate will keep for 42 days in the refrigerator, between 2 and 6° C.
Leucocyte-depleted red blood cell concentrate
Leucocyte-depleted red blood cell concentrate is advised in all severe cases of anaemia, where building up the oxygen transport capacity of the blood is clinically and biologically necessary. Needless to say this is a substitution treatment, not a causal therapy. Leucocyte reduction or depletion is intended to restrict transfusion reactions associated with anti-leucocyte or anti-platelet antibodies present in the recipient, a phenomenon frequently seen in polytransfused patients.
‘CMV negative’ red blood cell concentrate
'CMV negative' red blood cell concentrate is collected from donors who do not have antibodies against the cytomgalovirus (CMV). CMV negative donor blood is especially indicated for immunodepressed or immunologically immature subjects (premature babies, infants) who are at risk of organ problems (interstitial lung diseases, hepatitis), especially those with an immunity deficiency condition, etc.
‘Phenotyped’ red blood cell concentrate
'Phenotyped' red blood cell concentrate is indicated for patients who present with anti-red blood cells antibodies, or in order to avoid immunisation. It is the red blood cell concentrate from which erythrocytic antigens other than ABO and Rh have been established.
'Radiated' red blood cell concentrate is indicated in situations where the body’s defences are particularly affected, to prevent (post-transfusion) graft-versus-host disease.
‘Frozen’ red blood cell concentrate
'Frozen' red blood cell concentrate is a cryopreserved red blood cell concentrate. It is used only in specific situations (a transfusion of red blood cells to patients with rare blood groups and/or who have multiple allo-antibodies). This preparation may be envisaged in very specific cases for autologous transfusions.
‘Autologous’ red blood cell concentrate
'Autologous' red blood cell concentrate may be used only for patients who donated their own blood prior to a planned surgical operation. The retransfusion of the predonated units must meet the same clinical and/or biological criteria as those that apply to allogenic transfusions. This happens very rarely.
The bags for paediatric use are prepared only as and when required. Some products may be prepared, if required, in very specific situations, upon the detailed opinion of the clinical doctor, and in joint consultation with the doctor of the Transfusion Centre who is in charge of delivering the products.