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Our structure

The Belgian Red Cross was established on 4 February 1864. It is the oldest of the 191 National Societies that exist today. The Blood Service is an integral part of the Belgian Red Cross.

The national organisation of the Belgian Red Cross

The supreme body of the Belgian Red Cross is the National General Assembly. It alone holds sole power to amend the articles of association and to adopt the consolidated accounts and balance sheets of the Belgian Red Cross as a whole. This assembly is chaired by the national President who also chairs the meetings of the National Management Board and of the National Council, as well as many different work groups.

In accordance with Article 27 of the Articles of Association, the Community Presidents of the French-speaking Community and the Dutch Speaking Community alternate in the role of National President for a period of 2 calendar years from 1 January. This rotation began for the first time on 1 January 2019. This mandate is currently held by Mr Frédéric Wirtz for the period from 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2024. 

Issues of joint interest come under the National Management board made up of an equal number of 15 members from the French-speaking and Flemish Community Councils, (including two representatives of Brussels-Capital). The President of the German-speaking Community is also a member of the National Management Board. As such, the National Management Board establishes the general policy of the National Society at national and international levels. The proceedings of the National Management Board are prepared by the National Management Committee, which is equally constituted on an equal basis. The National Management Committee assumes the general management of the National Society within the confines of the powers it has been assigned by the National Management Board. 

Community-based organisation

As Belgium is a Federal State, the organisation of the Belgian Red Cross reflects the community-based structure of the State.

The French Speaking Community has its own “parliament”, the Community Council, which establishes the general policy for their own Community, sets the budgets and adopts the accounts and balance sheets. There are two Boards of Directors, one for the humanitarian services, the other for the Blood Service, which ensure the administration of the said services. They can rely on the support of a community administration which works under the CEOs, one for the humanitarian services, the other for the Blood Service.

The Community Council and the Boards of Directors are chaired by the Community President and are made up solely of volunteers, except the CEO. They have a similar structure in the Dutch Speaking Community. It is also adapted to the specific realities of the German-speaking Community, which has a Community Assembly but no Management Board. 

The organisation of the "Service du Sang" of the French Community

Frédéric Wirtz

Frédéric Wirtz is the President of the French Community.
He chairs the Community Council, the Management Board of the "Service du Sang" as well as the Management Board and General Assembly of the Croix-Rouge asbl.

Concerning the Blood Service, he is assisted by Gérard Martin.
For the Humanitarian Service, he is assisted by Christine Dupuis and Philippe Froidure, both of them being Vice-President.

Doctor Ivan De Bouyalsky

Doctor Ivan De Bouyalsky is the CEO of the "Service du Sang" of the French Community. He reports directly to the Board of Directors.