Prenez 2 minutes avant de fixer votre rendez-vous

Pour vous éviter un déplacement inutile, nous vous proposons de vérifier si vous pouvez donner du plasma actuellement grâce au test ci-dessous (temps : 2 minutes). Ce test a une valeur informative et les réponses ne sont pas enregistrées. Il ne remplace pas le questionnaire et l’entretien médical avant le don.

Pour toute question, vous pouvez nous contacter au 0800 92 245 ou nous écrire à

Test : Puis-je donner du plasma ?

1. Are you male or female?

2. What is your date of birth?

Have you donated blood over the last three years?

3. What is your weight and your height?

Kg Cm

4. Did you live in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) from 1980 to 1986 for longer than 6 months (all times spent living there during this time span combined)?

5. Have you travelled outside of Belgium over the last 6 months?

5.1. Have you travelled outside of Europe?

6. Are you pregnant or have you given birth over the last 6 months (including miscarriage or termination of pregnancy)?

7. Did you recently run a fever or contract an infection (bronchitis, urinary infection, etc.)?

8. Are you taking medication?

9. Have you been vaccinated less than a month ago?

10. Have you undergone an endoscopy (arthroscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, etc.) or an operation over the last 4 months?

11. Did you see the dentist over the last 7 days?

12. Have you had a piercing (including ear rings), a tattoo (including permanent make-up) applied over the last 4 months?

13. Have you already used drugs?

14. Have you had a new sex partner over the last 4 months? (with or without protection)

15. Have you had a new sex partner over the last 4 months? (with or without protection)

16. Have you had a sexual relationship with a male over the last 4 months?

End. Thank you for taking the test!

Based on your replies  - unless you have continued with the test despite being notified of a contraindication - you are allowed to donate blood. However, this online questionnaire is for general guidance only. At the time of the collection, you will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire and undergo a medical examination ahead of the donation. Only the doctor is qualified to confirm whether or not you are suitable to donate blood.


Previous Step: 0
Current Step: 1

Important :  Il se peut donc que, dans certaines situations, le médecin ne vous autorise pas à donner votre plasma temporairement ou bien définitivement, bien que ce questionnaire en ligne donne comme résultat que vous pouvez donner. Cette décision est prise avant tout pour s’assurer que vous pouvez donner sans danger pour vous-même et pour les malades qui recevront votre plasma. Il est dès lors important que vous répondiez en toute honnêteté au questionnaire ainsi qu’à l’entretien médical.